The excitement for Spera continues to grow.
We remain grateful for the enthusiastic support we’ve enjoyed from our shareholders, investors and others who recognize the value of Spera as a true stablecoin.
To help us prepare for the release, we welcome investors and crypto enthusiasts to fill out the form below indicating their purchasing interest. There is no obligation, we just want to get an understanding of volume to help our initial release planning.
Our $1 Spera stablecoins will be offered in lots of $250, with no limit on the number of lots purchased by an individual or company. Spera offered on exchanges will be available without limits on purchase size. Spera is a highly desirable stablecoin because it is backed by audited US Dollar accounts and two percent Gold.
In appreciation of your time and effort for completing this form, we will select one winner from the initial Spera stablecoin buyers and award them 500 Spera digital coins.
Thank you for your interest, as we continue working to bring Spera to the world!